Stroud Squash Club 50th Birthday

In 1972 a group of enthusiasts started Stroud Squash Club. In 2022 the club will thus reach its 50th anniversary and we will mark this with a celebration...

A Very Happy New Year to All Members...........................!

We take this opportunity to wish all our member a very happy New year and best wishes for 2022. we hope you keep enjoying the squash at Wycliffe!


The club will hold its Xmas Social on December 18th 2021. All members are invited to to come along to the club at 5pm for some social squash followed...

New Club Kit

Club Kit is now available for members to purchase. Available from 305 Squash. Order forms can be downloaded from the website.


IT has now been confirmed that the Leagues will start in the Week commencing October 4th. Stroud will have 3 Teams in the league, The A team in the Premier...


After a prolonged break during the pandemic, League Squash will return to Gloucestershire for the 2021/22 season. We expect the competition to start at...

Club Branded Clothing from 305Squash

We are pleased to announce that the club has agreed an arrangement with 305Squash for the supply of Stroud Squash Club branded squash kit. This will be...

Club Captain

We are pleased to announce that James Telford has agreed to be Club captain for the coming season. James will lead the first team in the Gloucestershire...

Racket Re-Stringing Service

We are pleased to announce that the club now has a racket stinging service at a cost of £20 /racket. This is offered by Jonny Harford at the courts....

Box Leagues

We are pleased to announce that the first round of box leagues is now running. We have placed people in groups of 4 and are asking for matches to be played...

Re-Opening of Stroud Squash Club Confirmed

We are happy to confirm that the Government announced on Monday May 10th that the Pandemic restrictions will be relaxed a planned. Our discussions with...

Restart of Squash - May 17th 2021 (Provisional)

Following on from the recent Government and England Squash announcement, we can confirm that we are working towards a restart of Squash on May 17th 2021....

Suspension of Squash due to COVID-19

Unfortunately, due to the new lockdown imposed to control the COVID-19 Pandemic, Squash will not be able to commence as planned at Wycliffe College on...

Stroud Squash Relocating to Wycliffe College

Stroud Squash Club is please to announce that it will relocate to Wycliffe College from January 1st 2021. Having been based at the courts on Stroud Rugby...